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A Love Letter to The Arboretum

Written by Jenny Lin

Show me a University of Guelph student that has never visited the Arboretum and I will show you a student that is missing out. 

I am not a person that likes missing out on stuff, especially super cool nature stuff. That’s why, during my undergrad, I made sure to take advantage of this amazing green space that I had such easy access to. Having grown up in suburbs and cities, being able to visit The Arboretum and get a little lost in the towering old-growth forests, bask in the glory of migrating warblers in all their breeding plumage splendour, or have my conversations drowned out by the insistent music of who-knows-how-many spring peepers (Pseudacris crucifer) was pretty much a dream come true. Now, just imagine how exciting it was for me to land the sweet gig of Naturalist Intern at this very same green space!  

Having worked here for just over a year, (first as the Summer Naturalist and then as the Naturalist Intern) there’s a tonne that I could say about my experience here – probably more than anyone is willing to read! Most of it, though, bubbles down to two major things: 

The first thing would be how much I’ve grown as a naturalist and educator in my position. Here I have had the opportunity to plan and execute my very own program, design my own sign series, band my first bird (I would be jealous if I were you), and so much more. Being involved in many programs and activities at The Arboretum has only made me more determined to pursue a career in science communication and conservation. After working here, I’ve definitely become a stronger and more confident interpreter!

The second thing that’s really stuck with me through my time at the Arb is how amazing the team that I have worked with is. Everyone here is full of knowledge and passion for what they do, and they are also so willing to share that knowledge! Did you know that Sean, the manager of Horticulture, can identify some species of trees by the sound of the wind rustling through their leaves? Have you ever heard Cael, the Horticulture Technician, discuss all the tiny details he puts into the gardens to make them as amazing as they are? Have you ever seen Chris, the Interpretive Biologist and Education Co-ordinator, talk and click so well with a group of kids that these now-budding naturalists are hanging off of his every word, hungry for more nature? And that goes for every single member of the Arboretum staff. I really can’t thank them all enough for teaching me so much, helping me cure my plant blindness (a terrible, terrible affliction), and indulging my general weirdness. It is so inspiring to be able to work with such awesome people. I wouldn’t be the naturalist and interpreter that I am without them (yes, I know it’s cliché, but it’s true)! 

So, there it is folks, my love letter to the Arboretum thinly disguised as a reflection. I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything (Yay, more clichés! I bet you readers just love me…) and am beyond happy to be able to stay on another year as a Naturalist Intern. 

Jenny Lin is one of The Arboretum’s Naturalist Interns